
13 May 2009

Polish the Perfection (Yin)...

Polish the Perfection (Yin)

A question? An answer.

A problem? A solution.

Difficulty? Endeavour.

But death? Life? Really?

And perfection? Imperfection... Really?

Your stare, piercing bleeding black

A sign of hatred and distrust

The morbid games we played in the past

Now digging holes into my future

My present buried somewhere in those holes

Where I can't find it, a dead end

With no present, there is no future

With no future, no hope

Only desolation and suffocation

At some corner of time

Being alive is now just a wait to die

A slow still endless wait

All a plan so perfect, set

Within a perfect sphere, dimensionless.

But I can't praise the fixation

To bring the sphere some dimension

I have to Polish the Perfection.

Lines in my palm, dark and stark

My map to my eclipsed future

Life's short, heart broken and destiny reversed

All so mislead, timeless

Carrying your future at stake

The images so vivid

Shows a vista of carnage, blood bath

With you and me forced to view

Our owns tearing apart

Hopelessness ceased to exist

To empower the forlorn

Only a gate remains between me and future

Constantly knocked by Forlorn

So no way of evasion, still more suffocation

But I see a blunt knife on the pile of books

To tear through my lines to form a triangle

Life, heart and destiny

Now I will open the gate to take my chance

See, if I can Polish the Perfection.

When darkness prevails perfect

I search for the thinnest rays of hope

Good and bad are just parameters

To change the world

A perfect world

Where nothing is constant but change

I strive to Polish the Perfection.

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