Life is beautiful...
Well... it has been a lot of time since when I am looking for some quality ideas to post in my blog and do different, out of the box stuffs in it... Still nowhere near... today I decide to open up my inside into this arena called internet; in this smog called "the blog".
Me ... the real me... that is what I am supposed to unleash here... but I have been always the real one to the world outside. I have never been good with wearing masks. Anyways...I have always believed in living life the simple way, taking it as it comes to me. I realize... I have always been a voyeur; someone who takes pleasures in others' happiness. Is that a loophole... I don't know. I feel that I am creative in the way I think, but I ponder how long will that confidence lie within me. I love my family more than anything in this world and I suppose that's common with all human beings. Lately I have found the pleasure of expressing my sensuous side... my voice through my pen (literally pen... coz most of the times I type my writings) and I am enjoying it.
I have had friends throughout my student career and I still make new friends... which is quite normal but the abnormality in it remains with the bondage between me and my friends. I don't know why... but people don't like me as a friend. May be 'coz I am too much expressive or so...
Anyways, I am happy that I got a new stage to post my voice...
I hope, you, My gentle reader, will love reading whatever crap I feed in...
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